How Is Critical Illness Insurance Different from a Health Insurance Plan?

Ensure Peace of Mind with Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance offers coverage for serious and long-term illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, renal failure, and more.


What is Critical Illness Insurance?

Critical illness insurance covers your serious & long-term illnesses that are costly like heart attack, cancer, renal failure, etc. Under this policy, a lump sum coverage amount is provided that covers an exorbitant medical expense for critical illnesses.

Why Choose Critical or Serious Illness Insurance?

Some critical diseases eat all the savings and fall out of the basic health insurance plan causing severe financial crises; critical insurance plan comes here for the rescue.

Cover against life-threatening diseases


Accidental death benefit

Tax benefits

100% benefit payout

Why Choose Us for Your Critical Illness Insurance Needs?

Critical Illness Insurance vs. Health Insurance: Key Differences

Who Should Consider Buying Critical Illness Insurance?


You can get up to Rs. 60,000 as a tax rebate for purchasing a critical illness insurance.
Individuals under 45 years of age do not need to undergo a medical checkup before purchasing a policy.

It is the Insured’s responsibility to submit the following documents within 45 days of being notified of a claim. 

  • Claim Form duly completed
  • Summary of the original discharge
  • Documentation related to the consultation/treatment
  • The relevant medical reports along with supporting invoices and doctors’ requisitions
  • A detailed breakdown of the original and final hospitalization bills. 6. Prescriptions and pharmacy bills

The Company may require other documents. As soon as the claim documents are received, the claim will be processed in accordance with the policy’s terms and conditions.